...a DREAM: big chances to your Firm/Agency in GREEN FUTURE 
...take yours firm to hight ROI/ROE Business, ...with legal rights in EU, BRICS and World:
 2024 - Financial Operation / http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_2024.htm

Hello, Development World;

Report for your firm; set of GREEN Projects and GREEN Assets (rights belong us), available for Sales&License by fee 3% DOA(M&A/Broker/Trader/Agent), if need exclusivity of trade on your area, need advance; ...ask if free your area in next GREEN JOB, with EXCLUSIVITY (also by NFT/NFW-BB on all World):

GREEN Future - http://www.expotv1.com/JWTeam_to_Ecological_TRANSITION.htm
GREEN NFT World - http://www.expotv1.com/ESCP_NFT_GREEN_World.htm
GREEN NFT Italy - http://www.expotv1.com/ESCP_NFT_GREEN_Italy.htm
GREEN New DEAL - http://www.expotv1.com/ESCP_210101.htm
GREEN Innovation - http://www.expotv1.com/ESCP_Patent.htm

Ask strategic law deed chance until to 0.5 B€ - DOA  (study & research started from 2012  CDI_MBGC / CH4-H2, towards  Bio Methane-Hydrogen);

Awaiting your attention on Common and GREEN Future (preemption for you, your friends or trustees, in EXCLUSIVE mandates).

Hi, Vito Lavanga.

*Own INDUSTRIAL RIGHTS, mathematician, working in technical-scientific, IT&C and Financial disciplines;

**to mkt-chances (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_mkt.htm) and your due diligence (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_Advisor.htm) see also Lavanga Vito UIBM/IT-Roma, EPO/EU-Munich, WIPO/UN-Geneva;


Note: we are very open to various forms of collaboration, defining preliminary agreements for developments in a specific territory (by registering the contents in the public Blockchain, https://stampd.io/#/notarize, against a security deposit that we issue agreement, between 5-10%), without jeopardizing a sudden development in that area, but only reserving itself a role of Big Player;

0.5 B€ - Allow me to expose opportunities that overcome many critical issues, to SRB vs INCOME INVESTMENT (on 0.5 B€). If it remains of significant interest to your Company (or its Partner), it could lay the roots of important developments in Europe, and mitigate risks with distributed and pervasive actions. Produce profitability (3% or more) and possess RIGHTS for industrial operations in 33 sites with 1,000,000/each inhabitants, distributed across Europe (ES/5, FR/7, DE/8, GB/6, IT/7) and more. A single "Sale and Rent/Lease BACK" operation (in which you choose 33 sites in the EU).

The single basic model can be found at this link,
The basic drafts on these documents, here:
http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_DOA_Purchase.pdf  and

*If need more info, let's get in touch via info@pcrr-jwt.it, or here
JWT / EU, http://meet.google.com/stm-szuy-jud;