...PNRR / Ecological
Transition ,
about GREEN with JWTeam
Lab " ...we
bring from_100_to_ZERO_the_consumption_from_FOSSILS
... with
PCRR , even
for your condominium ... at
"ZERO cost !!!
Dear Messrs. Good
morning; ...with
/ BROKERS / Sales Networks
a Future /
EU ) we
look to the Planet ,
... supply
, work
, training
, development
, sustainability
, inclusiveness
, from its own World
patents - WIPO/UN , with Services
, capital
and networks
JWTeam ( joules water
team ), from Milan
with 8 Innovative GREEN
Startups out of 57 JWTeam Zones in
Italy , aims at common
objectives and REAL
Future Values, with significant NPV (8%/y, 20y) ,
DOING , ... our
Italian Ecological
Transition (later EU , World ) demands
JWTeam also contributes with Consulting
on all contiguous patents and innovative topics , optimizing current business processes (100%)
...here comm@pcrr-jwt.it , you can find consultants to bring from_100_to_ZERO_the_consumption_from_FOSSILS
PCRR ( Commercial Recovery and R esilience Plan , ...pro PNRR ) is an INNOVATIVE STARTUP and CONCESSIONAIRE , offering Know-How and GREEN Patents , proprietary and made in Italy , with the ®GUPC brand , General U TILITIES P erformance C ontract , to redevelop properties (NZEB) in the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors; ... PCRR forms and leads to independence and autonomy on primary resources , ... at " ZERO cost ", repaid by the Performance achieved alone and paying attention to Sociality and Inclusivity . Also with the support of a suitable Editorial Plan : GhostGREEN flash like...
Vito Lavanga - Google
ps - info@jwt-jwt.it , indicate available
dates/hours, see you here JWT / EU : http://meet.google.com/stm-szuy-jud
NB - With the Commercial Network being set up , we will opt more to place the StartKits than to access DEBTS (albeit facilitated by S&S / Invitalia), but we remain open to the best that will emerge; ...we have warehouses full of GOODS (movable, intangible, B I.3 cc art. 2424) to be placed:
...EXCLUSIVE EXPLOITATION RIGHTS, ...in our hands also for ===> PatentBox 110%
Srls - Registered Office:
Via Terrazzano 85 - 20017 Rho (MI) - Fiscal
Code and PIva 12092970966 , Cap.Soc. € 200,
certified email: pcrrjwt@pec.it
IBAN: IT73H0306909412100000002247 - BIC: BCITITMM - info@pcrr-jwt.it - www.pcrr-jwt.it