- PCRR Search for Agents - PCRR Search Agents, services - PCRR Search Brokers (PE-JV-VC, M&A, ...) - PCRR offers goods and services (Studies, Products and Licenses from proprietary patents) - PCRR brings ...from_100_to_ZERO_for_FOSSIL_consumption®GUPC Lab, - PCRR selects 60 Condominiums (40/60 units) throughout Italy, to bring them to the CENTER OF EXCELLENCE of that territory***NB - Da giurisprudenza Italiana o equivalente nel paese agito; I fondi della vendita sono conferiti nell'impresa in pectoris; 10% a Capitale Nominale versato, il resto a Riserva Prezzo per il socio Venditore; un terzo del Capitale Nominale a al Broker/Agente quale Socio/Fiduciaro; --- NB - From Italian jurisprudence or equivalent in the country acted upon; The funds from the sale are transferred to the company in pectoris; 10% to Nominal Capital paid, the rest to Price Reserve for the Seller shareholder; one third of the Nominal Capital to the Broker/Agent as Partner/Trustee;