To GREEN develope, with own and local means, I'm look Agency/Agent (multi-agent pioneer),
To ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION with own "IP LeaseBack", ...with you/partners?
...on MBGC/BiogasCity, with EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS in EUROPE (ex. FR, ) 
...thanks for your time and attention, have you already seen our mandate ??? ... let's think about important partnerships, maybe it interests your other more motivated partners, our planet needs many synergies (for your "due diligence", see Lavanga Vito: WIPO/World-Geneva, EPO/Europe-Munich); We ask partner also in your territory (ask details).
...draft mandate can see in (like much else), explicitly here; ...In Italy, we work for PNRR / ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION, with relevant concessions on 8 INNOVATIVE STARTUPS and for foreign companies that invest/operate with branches in Italy (Smart&Start - InvItalia);
...there is a lot to do !!! ... as soon as you can / want to talk about it, for example here JWT / EU :,
... I'm looking for Brokers / Agents, also 007 (read our partners and relevant broad mandate), to convey what is in pectoris (in Italy and abroad), ...RIGHTS on 193 WIPO/UN States  !!!  We are present throughout Europe, with greater impact on some countries (IT, DE, FR, ES, GB), in which we preserve EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS on MBGC/BiogasCity; all visible here; Here are some of the titles available:  
As exclusive Owners/Applicants of many patents, wherever we can have MANDATES on our Industrial Properties (ideas buggy or not you can find them here, but also certified by WIPO/UN, EPO/EU , EAPO/RU, CNIPA/CN, InPASS/IN and from our MISE with UIBM/IT, ... all very useful also in our PNRR / Ecological Transition), patents, trademarks, know-how and projects such as:
 ***with "IP LeaseBack" we are open to partnerships everywhere, activating jobs in the area (with Brokers/Agents also as significant partners/fiduciaries in the company) !!! 
with PCRR, for your condominium at "ZERO Cost" !!!

...with the Agents/007 that I am looking for, I solicit opportunities for operators and entrepreneurs dedicated to their territory, therefore giving a vigorous impulse to their Ecological Transition (strong from economies, workers and local products). We provide services, products and shareholdings in activities, in virtuous synergies with specific local workers. We are also committed to identifying, throughout Italy, 60 Condominiums to be brought to "ZERO Impact" with "ZERO Cost" !!!
For this purpose, below, I indicate references/announcements for mandates to AGENTS/SELLERS (goods and services) and BORKERS/FINANCIALS (m&a and jv/vc), with also supports from the JWTeam ( and his Editorial Plan.
Friendliness. Vito Lavanga (3930430953) and colleagues from JWTeam.  - PCRR Search for Agents  - PCRR Search Agents, services  - PCRR Search Brokers (PE-JV-VC, M&A, ...)  - PCRR offers goods and services (Studies, Products and Licenses from proprietary patents)  - PCRR brings ...from_100_to_ZERO_for_FOSSIL_consumption

®GUPC Lab, - PCRR selects 60 Condominiums (40/60 units) throughout Italy, to bring them to the CENTER OF EXCELLENCE of that territory
***NB - From Italian jurisprudence or equivalent in the country acted upon; The funds from the sale are transferred to the company in pectoris; 10% to Nominal Capital paid (one third of the Nominal Capital to the Broker/Agent as Partner/Trustee), the rest to Capital Reserve by the shareholder Selling the Industrial/Intellectual Property; --- ***NB - From Italian jurisprudence or equivalent in the country acted upon; The funds from the sale are transferred to the company in pectoris; 10% to Nominal Capital paid up (one third of the Nominal Capital to the Broker/Agent as Partner/Trustee), the rest to Capital Reserve by the shareholder Selling the Industrial/Intellectual Property;
PCRR JWTeam Srls - Registered Office: Via Terrazzano 85  – 20017 Rho (MI) - Fiscal Code and PI   12092970966 , Cap.Soc. €200, certified email:
IBAN:  IT73H0306909412100000002247 – BIC:  BCITITMM - -

NB - Consultancy and Systems for you at  "ZERO Cost" ... from Industry 4.0, PNRR and surroundings , activating  GREEN Innovation with each of our patents !!!