Rent&Lease Back: I look Lend/Invest, Broker/Agent to Europe Green New Deal
(for all, see )
I happy join you&your world, if like direct on GREEN, think "equity share or join" on my GREEN-IP_/_ESCP_Patents  (for your "due diligence", see Lavanga Vito: WIPO/World-Geneva, EPO/Europe-Munich) and industrial develpement on Europe; ...additional opportunity for Leasing/Rental, marketing strategies for subsequent needs in the spirit of the in vogue Performance Economy.
My Rho/Milan is far for you, but IT&C cut way,  ...also for all your relation (JWT_Lender_Investor); please, ask me more details.
I can share important projects for the Ecological Transition, in Italy, Europe and the world, ...with RIGHTS on 193 WIPO/UN State.
Vito Lavanga  (info@pcrr-jwt.itOwner IP),
(for your "due diligence", see Lavanga Vito: WIPO/World-Geneva, EPO/Europe-Munich)

...I'm a technologist, I'm direct (some times it's a flaw); ...We ask first 15 M€ on 1.000.000 inhabitants, in IP_SALE_AND_LEASE_BACK action (8+1, Industrial Project to Ecological Transition and Inclusiveness, in Italy/Europe,; ...what you think, is the correct rate (less or more 3%) ???
Looking to Lend/Invest in ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION, in Italy/EU ? PCRR, one of "8 GREEN Innovative Startup", see; many chances in Revenues/Tax, also "IP Sale & LeaseBack"; ask BDG 15 M€,  (also open to operator not lease);, I also look Microalgae to oleic and proteic resources and so on;
Thank you for attention; I have important Industrial Properties and interesting Projects in Italy, Europe and Ecological Transition for the whole World; see
ESCP_Patent, ;
Trace of Italy project (57 times, 15 M€/each), with this we look at 57 Zones of activity (here lots in Italy ); Do you have interests in this regard and under what conditions ? ...15% equity shares may be of interest to you ???
...among the many foreigners, active on "IP Sale and Lease Back", you have any tips for me in Italy ??? ...may be I'm looking abroad and instead I have the OPPORTUNITY at my door in Italy (or branches in Italy of foreign companies, also facilitated by current legislation);
PCRR JWTeam Srls - Sede Legale: Via Terrazzano 85  – 20017 Rho (MI) - C.F. e P.I.  12092970966, Cap.Soc. € 200, Pec:
IBAN:  IT73H0306909412100000002247 – BIC:  BCITITMM - -

NB - Consulenza ed Impianti per voi a "Costo ZERO" ...da Industria 4.0, PNRR e dintorni, attivando Innovazione GREEN con ogni nostro brevetto !!!