GOAL: ...big chances to your Firm/Agency: 2024 - Financial Operation
...in all World, your every Land of 1,000,000 inhabitants:
our Big GREEN GIFT (15 MEuro)  for your Land, for its Citizens,
for its Firms "a lot of WORK", ...with YOU our Partners and local Agent/Broker;
...useful eBooks (32): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of  ...to Ecological TRANSITION
ghost green jwteam keyword - United Nations Sustainable Development UN SDGs WIPO UIBM EAPO CNIPA INPASS Patent Right goal food joule water wind hydro solar sea digester analyzer biogas algae cultivator rotor separator watermaker diffuser mixer producer health separator transport hydro navy fish plant heart capturer collector energy cold hot photo garden oil gas exchanger air MBGC PBRC SDGC HWFC SDNA CMTC GSMF GPBF SIRD COGEA ITEG GUPC TCC TP MHLM environment waste sport

2024 - Financial Operation


Hello Sir, good morning;


Thank you for your attention and meticulousness; the quality of the materials at your disposal constitute a valid argument for proceeding; I can be the Trustee for every Settlor of a TRUST/DOA (I have RIGHTS on 193 WIPO/UN States); for TRUST/DOA then carry out the operation for 15 M€/each, ...with your choice at least 325 times in the EU and over 3000 in BRICS.


The operation that highlighted with great legal force and benefits to our Planet (SDGs/UN), envisages the role of Lessor (Financial owner, rate to 5%) or Renter (Entrepreneur owner, rate to 10%), with authoritative controls (see FCA - Financial Conduct Authority), the Asset being in the absence of critical issues of any kind; INDUSTRIAL RIGHTS PRESERVED for much more than €15 million/each (EU Valuation, normally in ICC and FCA/SRB economic transactions) of a generic site with 1 million inhabitants (recognized by the respective jurisprudence of GB, ES, FR, DE, IT, as and vincible here, http://www.expotv1.com/JWTeam_to_Ecological_TRANSITION.htm).


Please, can consider us as your potential Trustee or also Counterparty in your:


INCOME Investment - SRB (Sale and Rent BACK) on a site of your liking (yours and your Grantor's) with 1 million inhabitants, of your choice in IT, ES, FR, DE, GB (regulated on IBAN of PCRR JWTEAM SRLS, in Italy);

a) DOA_Purchase - Deed Of Agreement for Sale of RIGHTS (€15 million) to a person of your TRUST, also with preliminary sale agreement of 5% (notified as indicated in http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_Rent_Lease_BACK.htm, at the end);


b) DOA_RL_BACK - We activate an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle where you have chosen, with the consideration of the sale achieved) which receives RIGHTS on Rent or_Lease (from your TRUSTEE and owner) and activates the relevant Industrial Plan and contextual your INCOME Investment, with also many agreed activities and pre-emptions, as soon as the entire sale transaction relating to the preliminary agreement is completed/balance; ...a lot of others great VAN(8%, 20y) and ROI for you!!!


See next reference to the strategic deed on chance (by old dream CDI_MBGC / CH4-H2, Bio Methane-Hydrogen); awaiting your response, best regards.

Hi, Vito Lavanga.

*Own INDUSTRIAL RIGHTS, mathematician, working in technical-scientific, IT&C and Financial disciplines;

**to mkt-chances (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_mkt.htm) and your due diligence (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_Advisor.htm) see also Lavanga Vito UIBM/IT-Roma, EPO/EU-Munich, WIPO/UN-Geneva;

Note: we are very open to various forms of collaboration, defining preliminary agreements for developments in a specific territory (by registering the contents in the public Blockchain, https://stampd.io/#/notarize, against a security deposit that we issue agreement, between 5-10%), without jeopardizing a sudden development in that area, but only reserving itself a role of Big Player;

         Piano Commerciale di Ripresa e Resilienza
PCRR JWTeam Srls - Sede Legale: Via Terrazzano 85, 20017 Rho (MI), C.F. e P.I.  12092970966, Cap.Soc. Euro 200, Pec: pcrrjwt@pec.it
IBAN:  IT73H0306909412100000002247, BIC:  BCITITMM - info@pcrr-jwt.it - www.pcrr-jwt.it

NB - Consulenza ed Impianti per voi a "Costo ZERO" ...da Industria 4.0, PNRR e dintorni, attivando Innovazione GREEN con ogni nostro brevetto !!!