ESG metrics  &  Our Vision to SDGs/UN)
The Show Must Go On
GOAL: ...big chances to your Firm/Agency: 2024 - Financial Operation
EUWEB - 240901



NB - Consulenza ed Impianti per voi a "Costo ZERO" ...da Industria 4.0, PNRR e dintorni, attivando Innovazione GREEN con ogni nostro brevetto !!!

...next developments welcome !!!
Aruba / Italia    ...next to    Hostinger / Lituania
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http://www.gfss-jwt.it/   ...next to http://www.gfss-jwt.eu/
http://www.expotv1.com/   ...next to http://www.expotv1.eu/

Hi, Vito Lavanga.

*Own INDUSTRIAL RIGHTS, mathematician, working in technical-scientific, IT&C and Financial disciplines;

**to mkt-chances (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_mkt.htm) and your due diligence (http://www.expotv1.com/JWT_Advisor.htm) see also Lavanga Vito UIBM/IT-Roma, EPO/EU-Munich, WIPO/UN-Geneva;


PCRR JWTeam Srls - Sede Legale: Via Terrazzano 85  – 20017 Rho (MI) - C.F. e P.I.  12092970966, Cap.Soc. € 200, Pec: pcrrjwt@pec.it
IBAN:  IT73H0306909412100000002247 – BIC:  BCITITMM - info@pcrr-jwt.it - www.pcrr-jwt.it